Friday, September 28, 2012

Poznejte FOREX a vyhrajte HONDU CRZ v exkluzivním vybavení!

Jedinečný portál, který je špičkou na FOREX v České a Slovenské republice, Vám ve spolupráci se společností Bossa předvede, že investování a úspěch v soutěži nemusí být výsadou jen traderů s dlouholetými zkušenostmi. Ondřej Hartman a Patrik Urban, který byl zaměstnán i pro měnový Investiční fond na slavné Wall Street, Vám jednoduchou formou, navíc u Vás doma, vysvětlí nejdůležitější pojmy o Forexu a jak na něm obchodovat. Vzdělávejte se a vyhrávejte hodnotné ceny každý týden!

Titul Soutěžní webinář Bossa-Poznejte FOREX a vyhrajte HONDU CRZ v exkluzivním vybavení!
: 2012-10-02 17:30
: Patrik Urban, Ondřej Hartman, Bossa
: On-line


Eurozone CPI Rises; Chicago PMI & CAD GDP Next
September 28, 2012 07:55 ET :
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Out of the last 17 quarters (including Q3), gold had only 3 falling quarters, Risk rally pushes further but a part of gains was lost; Spanish bank stress test due; EZ CPI higher; German retail sales improved. Market turns to core PCE, personal income and spending, Chicago PMI, UoM consumer confidence and Canadian GDP. Mondays Aussie & silver calls hit all targets, while gold was stopped out. See the final paragraph for more detail.

The risk rally that started yesterday after Spain released its budget figures continued throughout the Asian and at the beginning of the London session. The common currency was able to push to 1.2955 but it gave up a part of its gains and now trades around 1.2930. The buck started to recover against other majors as well.

The door to the ECB bond buying is more open now and market participants assume that there would not be further austerity measures required. However, Spanish bank stress test results are due later today so the sentiment could easily turn again. Furthermore, MNI reports that Moody's could change Spanish ratings as they said in June that they would do so within three months. Rating is now one notch above junk and on review for a downgrade.

Eurozone CPI was significantly above expectations as it rose to 2.7% from 2.6% y/y while analysts predicted easing to 2.4%. Higher price level is attributed to rising energy prices, higher prices of services and also increases due to higher sales tax that were introduced as part of measures designed to cut budget deficits. CPI further above the ECB 2% target makes a rate cut less likely.

Other data showed that German retail sales rose 0.3% in August after 1.0% decline seen in July which translates to -0.8% from -1.6% improvement on annual basis. Swiss KOF economic barometer index rose in September to 1.67 from 1.59.

The US session starts at 8:30 am ET with core PCE that is expected to rise 0.1% in August from previous unchanged figure but remain steady at 1.6% on annual basis. Personal income is seen lower at 0.2% yet personal spending is anticipated to rise 0.5%. Canadian GDP is expected to slow in July to 0.1% from 0.2% m/m and to 2.0% from 2.4% y/y.

Chicago PMI is due at 9:45 am and it is seen marginally lower at 52.9 from previous 53.0. Final result of UoM consumer confidence comes 10 minutes later and revision lower to 79.0 from 79.2 is expected.

1 AUDUSD and 1 silver hit all targets while both EURUSD, 1 GBPUSD, 1 silver,1 EURJPY, 1 CADJPY are in progress. 1 gold and 1 EURJPY were stopped out. Direct access to trades, charts and rationale can be found directly in here: products/ sub01/ access/ ?a=683 Non subscribers can join here: products/ sub01/

-Patrik Urban

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bilance běžného účtu Velké Británie se zhoršila

27.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Americký dolar (USD) je slabší proti NZD a GBP, silnější proti EUR a CHF a téměř nezměněný proti zbytku hlavním měn. Evropské akciové trhy si připisují 0,5 % a relativně nejsilnější je NZD zatímco EUR je nejslabší.

Deficit na běžném účtu Velké Británie vzrostl za Q2 na 20,8 miliardy sterlinků z 15,4 miliardy v Q1, což je vůbec nejhorší výsledek v historii. Dnešní data spolu s revizí za Q1 na 15,4 z 11,2 miliardy ukazují výrazné zhoršení bilance. HDP bylo zrevidováno výš na -0,4 % z původního odhadu -0,5 % mezikvartálně, ale meziročně zůstalo na -0,5 %. Měnový pár GBP/USD nejdříve oslabil až k 1,6165, rychle se ale odrazil a vystoupal až na 1,6217. V současné době se obchoduje kolem úrovně 1,6200.

zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

UK Current Account Deficit At Record High
September 27, 2012 07:14 ET :
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Chinese stimulus; record UK current account deficit; UK GDP revised higher; German unemployment rose; Italian auction. Market awaits durable goods orders, jobless claims, GDP revision and pending home sales. EURUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, gold and silver trades from Monday's Premium Insights are in progress. See below for details.

The USD is mixed in the ongoing session. It is weaker against NZD and GBP, stronger against EUR and CHF and little changed against the rest of the majors. European equities are gaining about 0.5% and the relative strength winner is NZD while EUR lags.

Trading has been influenced by rumors of 8T CNY investment/infrastructure stimulus that could be announced after China national day on October 1st.

UK current account deficit widened during Q2 to GBP 20.8 bln from previous deficit 15.4 bln, which is the highest level on record. Today's figures along with Q1 revision to 15.4 bln from initial 11.2 bln point to serious deterioration. GDP was revised higher to -0.4% from initial -0.5% q/q but the annual rate was unrevised at -0.5%. GBPUSD weakened to 1.6155 but quickly rebounded to 1.6217. It currently trades around the 1.6200 figure.

German unemployment rose by 9K in September which is slightly less than anticipated 10K. August result was revised from 9K to 11K. The unemployment rate remained steady at 6.8%. EURUSD trades around 1.2855.

Italy sold EUR 2.72 bln worth of 5 year BTP vs. EUR 2-3 bln target. The average yield declined to 4.09% from 4.73% but cover fell to 1.38 from 1.46. The 10 year yield is slightly higher around 5.25% while the Spanish equivalent trades around 6.05%.

The US session begins at 8:30 am ET with durable goods orders that are expected to drop 4.7% in August after rising 4.1% in July (core orders seen rising 0.2% from -0.6%). Jobless claims are anticipated lower at 378K from 382K and Q2 GDP is seen unrevised at 1.7% y/y.

Pending home sales that are due at 10:00 am are seen falling 0.4% in August after 2.4% growth in July.

Monday evening's Premium Insights test the efficacy of integrating medium term oscillators into short-term momentum changes. These are show in the 3 charts of EURUSD (Monthly) and GBPUSD (Weekly & Monthly). Direct access to trades, charts and rationale can be found directly in here: products/ sub01/ access/ ?a=683 Non subscribers can join here: products/ sub01/

Patrik Urban

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

EUR/USD oslabuje kvůli obavám ze Španělska

26.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Americký dolar (USD) pokračoval v růstu v průběhu asijské obchodní seance a nyní konsoliduje zisky. Evropské akciové trhy opět oslabily, dnes o více než 1,5 % a relativně nejsilnější je GBP zatímco EUR je nejslabší.

Španělský 10letý dluhopis pokračuje v růstu a obchoduje se kolem 6,01 %. Dnešní nárůst se přisuzuje zprávě z Bank of Spain, která naznačila, že vývoj HDP za Q3 pokračoval ve strmém pádu. V Řecku mezitím probíhá 24 hodinová stávka zaměřená proti reformám a dalším vládním škrtům. Měnový pár EUR/USD pokračuje v pádu a obchoduje se nedaleko dnešních minim kolem 1,2856.

CBI oznámené tržby z Velké Británie vzrostly v září na 6 z minulých -3. Prodejci ohlásili růst prodejů spolu s očekáváním, že tržby porostou i příští měsíc. EUR/GBP je pod tlakem a obchoduje se kolem 0,7945. GBP/USD se obchoduje na úrovni 1,6192.

Zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban
Spanish GDP Seen Falling; New Homes Sales Next

Spanish GDP to continue falling; Greek 24 hour strike; UK CBI sales rose; Italian auction. German CPI; US new home sales and oil inventories are next.

The greenback consolidated Asian session gains in the ongoing session. European equities are losing over 1.5% and the relative strength winner is GBP while EUR lags.

Spanish 10 year yield continues to push higher, currently around 6.01%. The rise is attributed to Bank of Spain monthly bulletin that suggest that GDP continued to fall in Q3 at significant pace. Meanwhile in Greece a 24 hour national strike to protest against reforms and budget cuts in under way today. The government is expected to announce these in the days ahead. EURUSD trades heavy near session lows around 1.2865.

UK CBI realized sales rose in September to 6 from previous -3 as retailers reported rise in sales volume along with expectation that growth will strengthen next month. EURGBP is under pressure, trading around 0.7945.

German CPI is still being collected and final result should be announced at 8:00 am ET. Most states that already published results saw annual inflation rate easing to 2% or even below. General consensus is for CPI to slow to 2.0% from 2.1%.

Italy reached a full take up as it sold 6 month BOT totaling EUR 9 bln. The average yield declined to 1.503% from 1.585% but cover fell to 1.39 from 1.69. Italian 10 year yield rose to 5.18%.

The upcoming session will bring new home sales due at 10:00 am ET that are anticipated to rise in August to 380K from previous 372K. Considering how much oil prices have fallen over the past week (WTI currently around 90.70) traders will take clues for the next move from crude oil inventories that are due at 10:30 am. The inventory is expected to shrink to 1.7M barrels from last week's 8.5M barrels. 

Patrik Urban

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

EURUSD Hovers Around 1.29; CAD Retail Sales Next

BOE will publish data regarding FLS in December; GFK consumer climate unchanged; UK BBA mortgage approvals rose; Spanish auction. Canadian retail sales; SP case shiller and consumer confidence are next.

The USD has been bid throughout the London session. EURUSD was oscillating around the 1.29 handle and USDJPY grinded lower to 77.66 which pushed EURJPY about a dozen points above the 100.00 mark. European equities are losing around 0.25% and relatively weakest is CAD.

MPC member Paul Fisher said today that the OMT along with QE3 underpinned market confidence but warned that central banks can only give governments time and space. He also said that significant number of banks are close to Funding for lending scheme (FLS) sign up and that the BOE will publish its first data regarding the FLS in December. GBPUSD first pushed higher to 1.6267 but later fell back to 1.6225.

On the data front we learned that GfK German consumer climate for October remained unchanged as expected at 5.9; UK BBA mortgage approvals rose in August to 30.5K from 28.7K in July and Swiss UBS consumption indicator fell sharply lower in August to 1.03 from previous 1.48.

Spain sold 3 and 6 month bills totaling EUR 3.98 bln vs. EUR 3-4 bln target. The average yields rose and bid to cover declined on both bills. The 10 year yield rose today to 5.75%.

The US session begins at 8:30 am ET with Canadian retail sales that are expected to rise 0.2% in July after 0.4% decline seen in June. Core sales are seen at 0.3% from -0.4%.

S&P case-shiller house price index is due at 9:00 am and it is seen 1.3% higher in July from previous 0.5%. September consumer confidence at 10:00 am is anticipated to rise to 63.1 from 60.6. Markets are also awaiting the ECB president Draghi's speech at 9:00 am in Berlin and the treasury secretary Geithner's speech at 1:30 pm.

Patrik Urban

Forex: EUR/USD nedokázal překonat 1,2900

25.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Americký dolar (USD) posiloval v průběhu londýnské obchodní seance. Měnový pár EUR/USD se pohyboval kolem 1,2900; USD/JPY se propadl až k 77.66 což poslalo EUR/JPY jenom několik pipsů nad hranici 100,00. Evropské akciové trhy ztratily kolem 0,25 % a relativně nejslabší měnou je CAD.

Člen komise Bank of England (MPC) Paul Fisher dnes řekl, že nový program Evropské centrální banky (ECB) OMT spolu s QE3 amerického FEDu podpořily důvěru na trhu, zároveň ale varoval, že centrální banky můžou pouze rozšířit prostor pro manévrování vlád a dát jim více času. Dále řekl, že významné množství bank se přihlásilo do programu FLS (funding for lending scheme) centrální banky Velké Británie a že přesná data budou známa v prosinci. GBP/USD nejdříve posilnil na 1,6267, později ale oslabil na 1,6220.

zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

Monday, September 24, 2012

EURUSD Nears 1.2900 On Weak German IFO
September 24, 2012 08:31 ET :
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The USD is stronger against all majors in the ongoing session. European equity indices are losing around 1% and the relative strength winners are USD and JPY while NZD lags. 4 clips of Ashraf's CNBC appearance are found here: t/ ?h3567

Sunday's Der Spiegel magazine reported that the EZ is preparing to increase the ESM firepower from EUR 500M to EUR 2 bln. By using the same leverage that was used in the EFSF, the size would increase without the need of the EZ countries to contribute more capital. German finance minister said today that he supports the idea but added that the size is unlikely to reach EUR 2 bln. Traders will also continue to watch Spain as some reports suggest it could formally request aid this week.

The pressure on the common currency increased after German data came in below expectations. The Ifo business climate continued to fall in September which was the fifth back to back monthly decline. The main index dropped to 101.4 from 102.3 while the current assessment fell to 110.3 from 111.1. The expectations sub index declined to 93.2 from 94.2. EURUSD trades near session lows around 1.2900.

The BOJ minutes from the 08/09 meeting revealed that one member said that the BOJ may need to boost inflation expectations by influencing FX rates. Other comments were hardly surprising citing that prolonged slowdown in overseas economies could delay Japan's recovery. USDJPY briefly fell under 78.00 but reversed and now trades round 78.05.

There are no reports due during the US session. However, markets could react at 3:00 pm when the BOC governor Mark Carney participates in a panel discussion in Ottawa and also at 3:30 pm when the San Francisco FED president John Williams delivers his speech on economic outlook.

Patrik Urban

VIDEO: Týdenní shrnutí a FOREX komentář

24.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Komentář k aktuálnímu vývoji na měnovém trhu (forex) od profesionálního tradera a analytika z

Poznámka: Po spuštění videa si v jeho nastavení můžete změnit kvalitu na HD nebo zvětšit přehrávání přes celou obrazovku.
Video můžete sledovat také v našem YouTube kanálu zde.

Patrik Urban
Forex trader
Přihlášení na seminář

Jedinečný portál, který je špičkou na FOREX v České a Slovenské republice, Vám ve spolupráci se společností Bossa předvede, že investování a úspěch v soutěži nemusí být výsadou jen traderů s dlouholetými zkušenostmi. Ondřej Hartman a Patrik Urban, který byl zaměstnán i pro měnový Investiční fond na slavné Wall Street, Vám jednoduchou formou, navíc u Vás doma, vysvětlí nejdůležitější pojmy o Forexu a jak na něm obchodovat. Vzdělávejte se a vyhrávejte hodnotné ceny každý týden!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Spain to Unveil Reforms; Canadian CPI Next
September 21, 2012 07:22 ET :
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EU commission working with Spain on reforms; UK public sector borrowing rose; SNB does not surprise. Market turns to Canadian CPI and FOMC Lockhart speech. The latest on our Premium Insights is found below.

EUR regained the $1.30 figure today on reports that Spain is considering seeking assistance. The USD had been under pressure since yesterday across the board except JPY. GBPUSD broke to a new recent high 1.6309 while other majors strengthened to levels above Wednesday or Thursday highs. European equities are slightly in the green and the relative strength winner is NZD while USD is the weakest.

FT reports that the Spanish government along with the European commission authorities is preparing a set of economic reforms that will be unveiled next week. This would allow Spain to request a bailout which would consequently allow the ECB to start its bond buying program. Spanish 10 year yield is lower today, trading around 5.75%. EURUSD pushed back above the 1.3000 handle.

UK public sector net borrowing was at record high for the month of August as receipts continued to disappoint, MNI reports. Excluding financial sector interventions, borrowing rose to GBP 14.41 bln from GBP 14.36 bln a year ago. EURGBP trades right below the 0.8000 mark.

The SNB quarterly bulletin did not surprise at all as it only contained the usual comments about enforcing the Franc cap, continued downside risks and the readiness of the SNB to take further measures.

The data calendar for the US session is limited to Canadian consumer inflation that is expected to remain steady in August at 1.3% on annual basis. Core figure is seen lower at 1.6% from previous 1.7%.

Markets could also react to Atlanta FED president and FOMC member Dennis Lockhart that will speak about the economic outlook and monetary policy at 12:40 pm. Q&A session will follow after the speech.
See the latest Premium Insights on EURUSD, EURJPY, AUDSD, GBPUSD, CADJPY, gold, silver and oil found here: products/ sub01/ access/ ?a=682 Non subscribers can click here: products/ sub01/

Patrik Urban

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Spanish Auction Solid; Philly FED Next
September 20, 2012 08:35 ET :
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French manufacturing PMI drops; German and European PMI rose; UK retail sales weakened; Spanish auction. Market turns to jobless claims and Philly FED. Ashraf's latest Premium Insights are out. See final paragraph for direct access.

The greenback was gaining throughout Asia and at the beginning of the London session but it has lost a part of its gains. European equities are losing about 0.75% and the relative strength winner is JPY while EUR lags.

The pressure on the common currency intensified after French manufacturing PMI fell in September to three and a half year low at 42.6 from 46.0. German manufacturing PMI that rose to 47.3 from 44.7 and the Eurozone equivalent that rose to 46.0 from 45.1 could not stop the selling and EURUSD declined to 1.2929.

UK retail sales fell 0.3% in August from a previous flat reading m/m and the annual figure slowed to 3.1% from 3.3%. The Olympics have distorted the data so more releases are needed to gauge the strength of the retail sector. GBPUSD trades around 1.6185 and EURGBP fell to 0.7988.

Spanish auction was solid today as Spain sold bonds totaling EUR 4.799 bln vs. 4.5 bln target. The 2015 bond had average yield 3.845% from 2.798 but January 2022 bond saw a significantly lower yield at 5.666% from 6.647%. The cover was also higher: 2.8 vs. previous 2.4.

The US session begins at 8:30 am ET with jobless claims that are seen lower at 374K from previous 382K followed by the Atlanta FED president and the FOMC member Dennis Lockhart's speech on workforce development at 9:30 am.

Philly fed manufacturing is due at 10:00 am ET and it is expected to improve in September to -4.1 from previous -7.1. Even though the index remained below zero it has shown an improvement over the past three months back to back. The GBP could react to the BOE governor Mervyn King's interview in London that begins at 2:00 pm

Latest Premium Insights on EURUSD, EURJPY, AUDSD, GBPUSD, CADJPY, gold, silver and oil are found here: products/ sub01/ access/ ?a=682 Non subscribers can click here: products/ sub01/

Patrik Urban

Francouzský PMI prudce klesl; EUR/USD také

20.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Americký dolar (USD) v průběhu asijské i londýnské seance rostl. Tlak jednotnou evropskou měnu (EUR) ještě zesílil poté, co index výrobního PMI z Francie spadl na více než tříleté minimum na hodnotě 42,6. V sprnu index vzrostl na 46,0. Ani zlepšení německého PMI na 47,3 z 44,7 a evropského PMI na 46,0 z 45,1 tak nedokázaly zabránit dalším propadům a měnový pár EUR/USD spadl až k 1,2929.

Maloobchodní tržby ve Velké Británii se za srpen propadly o 0,3 % meziměsíčně a meziročně zpomalily na 3,1 % z 3,3 %. Olympijské hry pravděpodobně vedly ke zkreslení dat, takže na přesnější ohodnocení síly spotřebitelů si budeme muset ještě počkat. GBP/USD se obchoduje kolem 1,6190 a EUR/GBP poklesl pod 0,8000 na 0,07988.

 zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Japonská centrální banka se přidala k další vlně QE

19.09.2012  Autor: FXstreet .cz  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Americký dolar (USD) v průběhu londýnské obchodní seance posílil proti všem hlavním měnám. Evropské akciové trhy se obchodují jenom mírně v červeném a relativně nejsilnější je USD, zatímco EUR je nejslabší.

Japonský jen (JPY) oslabil v průběhu asijské seance poté, co centrální banka Japonska zvýšila uvolňování (QE) o celých 10 bilionů jenů. Všechny programy pro nákup aktiv tak dosáhnou na hranici 80 bilionů jenů. Guvernér Shirakawa zdůraznil, že za rozhodnutím stojí zhoršující se data a nikoliv rozhodnutí FEDu pumpovat do ekonomiky 40 miliard dolarů měsíčně. Základní úroková sazba zůstala beze změny mezi 0 a 0,1 %. Měnový pár USD/JPY vzrostl ze 78,60 na 79,22 a v současné době se obchoduje těsně pod hranicí 79,00.

Zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

BOJ Joins Easing Party
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The USD strengthened during the London session against all majors. European equities are only slightly in the red and the relative strength winner is USD while EUR lags. A new edition of the Premium Insights will be issued later today.

The JPY fell across the board during Asia after the BOJ surprised the market by increasing the total size of the asset buying program by 10 trillion yen to about 80 trillion from 70 trillion. The governor Shirakawa emphasized that the decision was based on disappointing data and not on the latest FOMC decision. The overnight call rate remained between 0% and 0.1%. USDJPY jumped from 78.60s to 79.22 and currently trades around the 79.00 handle.

The minutes from the September MPC meeting showed that all members unanimously voted to keep rates and QE unchanged. While most members saw the decision as straightforward, some felt that additional stimulus is likely. GBPUSD trades weaker around 1.6230 from today's high 1.6269.

Swiss ZEW economic expectations index declined further in September to -34.9 from previous -33.3. Only 9.3% of respondents see an improvement of the economic situation while 44.2% anticipate the economy to worsen in the next six months. Falling risk trades pushed EURCHF back below 1.21.

Up ahead are the latest data from the real estate market. At 8:30 am ET, the Census bureau will release building permits that are seen lower in August at 0.79M from 0.81M and also housing starts that are expected to rise to 0.77M from 0.75M. Existing homes sales are due at 10:00 am ET and they are seen higher at 4.57M from 4.47M.

-Patrik Urban

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Něměcký ZEW index dnes euru nepomohl

18.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk

AUD/USD již od pondělí klesá a obchoduje se kolem hranice 1,0420. Zápis z posledního zasedání Australské centrální banky tlak na AUD zvýšil, protože obsahoval zmínky o možnosti snížit základní sazbu, pokud se ekonomický výhled zhorší.

Německý ZEW index ekonomického sentimentu se v září zlepšil na -18,2 z minulých -25,5. Jedná se o první zlepšení po čtyřech měsících poklesů. Rozhodnutí německého ústavního soudu o fondu ESM poněkud překvapivě nemělo na index vliv. EUR/USD poklesl až k 1,3046.

zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

EURUSD Retraces Despite Improving ZEW
September 18, 2012 08:08 ET :
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RBA minutes hint cut; UK CPI cools; German and Eurozone ZEW improves; Spanish auction. Current account deficit and TIC data are next.

The greenback trades higher against most majors but is little changed against GBP and JPY. European equities are losing slightly over 1%.

AUDUSD has been under pressure since yesterday. The minutes from the latest RBA meeting showed that there is a scope for a rate cut if growth outlook worsens. The RBA also noted that the AUD is somewhat overvalued. AUDUSD has declined to 1.0416.

UK consumer inflation was in line with expectations at 2.5% in August from previous 2.6% y/y. Core inflation slowed to 2.1% from 2.3%. EURGBP that declined to 0.8034 supports GBPUSD around 1.6240.

German ZEW economic sentiment improved to -18.2 in September from -25.5 in August. This is the first increase after four months of declines. Somewhat surprisingly, the ESM ruling had no impact on the index. The same index for the whole Eurozone improved to -3.8 from -21.2. EURUSD trades around 1.3046

Spain reached a full take up as it sold 12 and 18 month bills totaling EUR 4.576 bln vs. 4.5 bln target. The average yields declined and cover was mixed. Spain is still considering all the conditions tied to the financial aid but mid-October seems likely for the official request. 10 year yield is slightly lower around 5.94%.

The US session begins at 8:30 am ET with current account deficit that is expected to narrow in Q2 to USD 126.6 bln from previous deficit USD 137.3 bln followed by net long term TIC flows that are seen higher in July at USD 37.3 bln from June's USD 9.3 bln.

NY FED president and FOMC member William Dudley delivers two speeches on the economy today one at 11:30 am and the other at 4:30 pm. From a market reaction perspective, Richmond FED president and FOMC member Jeffrey Lacker's speech in New York at 7:45 pm on monetary policy is likely to have higher impact.

Patrik Urban

Investice, ekonomika, FX: Investiční web vás zve na 2. Investiční fórum

Chcete se dozvědět, co si myslí a jaké "plány" má s českou ekonomikou prezidentský kandidát Vladimír Dlouhý, a navíc dostat řadu investiční tipů pro následující měsíce a rad, jak uspět na Forexu? Tuto možnost budete mít 20. září 2012 na Investičním fóru v aule VŠFS v Praze v rámci dvou moderovaných diskusních bloků a několika samostatných přednášek, na nichž vystoupí přední ekonomové a investiční odborníci.

Program (předběžný)

13:00 až 13:15 Slavnostní zahájení
13:15 až 14:15 Česká ekonomika 2013+
  • VIP: Vladimír Dlouhý, kandidát na prezidenta ČR
14:15 až 15:15 Investování 2012/2013 - diskusní blok
  • Aleš Michl, analytik, Raiffeisenbank
  • Petr Budinský, prorektor VŠFS
  • Miloslav Plojhar, investiční stratég, Česká spořitelna
  • Aleš Prandstetter, hlavní stratég, ČSOB Asset Management
Coffee Break I

15:45 až 16:45 Jak uspět na měnovém trhu Forex? Diskusní blok
  • Martin Urban, hlavní makléř, brokerjet ČS
  • Patrik Urban, trader,
  • Jaroslav Tupý, finanční analytik
  • Michala Moravcová, finanční analytička, BOSSA
Coffee Break II

17:00 až 17:45 Co čeká středoevropské měny?
  • VIP: Günter Deuber, hlavní analytik, Raiffeisenbank

Monday, September 17, 2012

Onto NY Empire Manufacturing
September 17, 2012 08:13 ET :
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USD attempts some consolidation, while the common currency along with GBP trades within a narrow range not far off Friday's close. European equity indices are losing about 0.5%. Details of Ashraf's Singapore appearances (this week) are below.

In the traditional summer press conference chancellor Merkel confirmed that the ECB bond buying is justified by its mandate and that there is a need for more political coordination in the Eurozone. Regarding Greece Merkel said that Germany is ready to help Greece and it wants Greece to succeed but it must hold onto its commitments.

Reuters reported that president Obama will launch a WTO trade enforcement action against China over auto and auto parts subsidies. The move is seen as political as president Obama is campaigning in Ohio which is a state that relies heavily on the auto industry.

Eurozone current account surplus declined in July to EUR 9.7 bln from previous EUR 14.3 bln and the trade balance surplus rose to EUR 15.6 bln from 13.6 bln. Annual exports grew solid 11% while imports grew only 2%. EURUSD pulled to 1.3092 and currently trades around 1.3110.

The data calendar for the NY session is limited to Empire state manufacturing that is expected to improve in September to -1.9 from previous -5.9 and Canadian foreign securities purchases that are anticipated to rise to CAD 11.3 bln in July after CAD -7.9 bln in June. Both reports are due at 8:30 am ET.

ASHRAF IN SINGAPORE: The first event will start on Tuesday evening. For ALL DETAILS on dates, times & venue, please click on the link learn-to-trade/ seminars.aspx

Patrik Urban

Friday, September 14, 2012

USD pokračuje v pádu; trhy čekají na CPI

14.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Výprodej amerického dolaru (USD), který začal včera poté, co komise FOMC oznámila další, tentokrát neomezené kolo kvantitativního uvolňování (QE3), pokračuje i v průběhu dnešní londýnské seance. Měnový pár EUR/USD se obchoduje těsně pod 1,3117; GBP/USD dosáhl na 1,6244 a EUR/GBP vzrostl až k 0,8066. Evropské akcie posilují téměř o 2 %.

Výhrůžky japonských činitelů ohledně síly japonského jenu (JPY), ale především vyšší výnosy na amerických dluhopisech dnes poslaly pár USD/JPY zpátky nad hranici 78,00 po včerejším minimu 77,13. I tak se ale tento měnový pár stále obchoduje v zóně, kterou lze charakterizovat jako zónu s vysokým rizikem intervence. Americký 10letý výnos vzrostl skoro o 6 % a obchoduje se kolem 1,81 %.

Zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

EUR Does 1.3120, CPI Is Next
September 14, 2012 08:03 ET :
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Rally continues; Eurozone CPI steady; USDJPY trades higher as treasuries decline; ecofin meeting; precious metals keep gains. Markets await for CPI, retail sales; industrial production and university of Michigan consumer confidence. Wednesdays Premium Insights from Ashraf saw, 1 of 2 longs in EURUSD hit the 1.2980 target, while the other remained unfilled. Both USDJPY shorts nearing their targets. 1st of 2 longs in GBPUSD hit 1.6160 target, while the other is in progress nearing its own objective. See more details on CADJPY, gold and oil below in the final paragraph.

 The post FOMC rally continues and the buck is sold across the board except JPY. EURUSD trades just below 1.32, GBPUSD jumped to 1.6244 and EURGBP rose to 0.8066. European equities are gaining nearly 2%.
Eurozone CPI remained steady in August at 2.6% y/y but the core figure slowed to 1.5% from previous 1.7%. Employment in the Eurozone was unchanged in Q2 which is the first time since last year that the number of employees did not contract.

Jawboning from Japanese officials along with higher US treasury yields helped to push JPY lower across the board. USDJPY moved back above the 78.00 figure from yesterday's low 77.13 but that is still in the "high risk of intervention" territory. US 10 year yield gained nearly 6% and trades around 1,81%.

The meeting of Eurozone finance ministers begins today in Cyprus and continues tomorrow. Topics will include the possibility of giving more time to Greece to reach its budget goals and possible financial aid for Spain.
Precious metals moved slightly higher during the London session following sharp gains seen yesterday. Spot gold and silver continue to trade near session highs around 1775 and 34.75 respectively. WTI was able to regain the 100 handle.

The NY session starts at 8:30 am ET with August CPI that is expected to rise 0.5% from a previous flat reading m/m and to 1.6% from 1.4% y/y. Core CPI is seen growing 0.2% from 0.1% m/m but easing to 2.0% from 2.1% y/y. Retail sales that are due at the same time are anticipated to slow to 0.7% in August from 0.8% in July.

Industrial production hits the screens at 9:15 am ET and it is projected to decline to 0.1% from 0.6% and finally the university of Michigan consumer confidence at 9:55 am is expected to decline marginally in September to 74 from 74.3.

CADJPY hit all targets, 1 gold all done, the other in progress. Neither US crude not AUDUSD long were filled. DIRECT ACCESS TO THE EXISTING CALLS found here: products/ sub01/access/?a=681 Non Subscribers please click here: products/ sub01/

Patrik Urban

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cesta k ESM je otevřená; EURUSD posiluje

12.09.2012  Autor: Patrik Urban  Sekce: Krátké zprávy   Tisk
Německý ústavní soud dnes zamítl stížnosti proti plánu ECB nakupovat dluhopisy a podpořil fond ESM a také fiskální pakt. Nejnovější fond pro finanční pomoc je tedy v souladu s ústavou a může začít činnost, hned jak německý prezident Joachim Gauck zákon podepíše. Jednou z podmínek ale je, že povoluje příspěvek Německa maximálně ve výši 190 miliard eur bez dalšího potvrzení dolní komory parlamentu. Šéf euroskupiny Jean Claude Juncker už oznámil, že se první setkání guvernérů fondu proběhne 8. října v Lucembursku.

Měnový pár EUR/USD nejdříve prudce oslabil z 1,2880 na 1,2816, aby potom stejně rychle ztráty smazal a pokračoval výš. V současné době se obchoduje kolem 1,2920. Další událostí, která by mohla před zítřejším rozhodnutím komise FOMC ovlivnit trhy bude výsledek parlamentních voleb v Nizozemí. Volební místnosti uzavírají v 19:00 GMT a výsledek bude znám krátce poté.

zbytek zde:

Patrik Urban

$1.2930 EUR after German Court Decision
September 12, 2012 07:52 ET :
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ESM approved; Dutch election; UK jobless claims fall; ILO unemployment rate ticks higher; Eurozone industrial production rises m/m but falls y/y. Market turns to import prices and by the end of the session to RBNZ. Last nights Premium Insights from Ashraf incoude USDJPY, EURUSD, AUDUSD, GBPUSD, Gold and oil. See below for access.

German court rejected complaints against the ECB bond buying plan and backed the ESM bailout fund and the fiscal treaty, MNI reports. The bailout mechanism is therefore constitutional and can start operating after the German president Joachim Gauck signs it into law. Conditions include limiting German exposure to EUR 190 bln without further approval by Bundestag. EU Jean-Claude Juncker has already said the ESM governors will meet 10/8 in Luxemburg. EURUSD initially dropped sharply from 1.2880s to 1.2815 only to explode higher. It currently trades around 1.2930. The upcoming risk event is Dutch parliamentary election. The polls close at 7:00 pm GMT with first unofficial estimates expected shortly after.

UK labor market surprised positively yet again as the jobless claims declined 15K in August from -13.6K in July which is the biggest fall since 6/2010. The data, however, could be skewed due to short term hiring for the Olympics. The claimant count rate remained steady at 4.8% but the ILO unemployment rate ticked higher to 8.1% from 8.0%. GBPUSD continues to push higher trading around 1.6115.

Eurozone industrial production grew 0.6% in July from previous -0.6% m/m but fell additional 2.3% from -2.1% y/y and periphery 10 year yields are only slightly lower, Spanish around 5.62% and Italian around 5.06%.

The US session begins at 8:30 am ET with import prices that are expected to rise 1.4% in August after declining 0.6% in July followed by wholesale inventories that are seen at 0.3% in July from -0.2% in June.

By the end of the session at 5:00 pm the RBNZ will announce its official cash rate decision. Most economists surveyed by Bloomberg expect rates to remain unchanged at 2.50%.

Last nights Premium Insights from Ashraf include 2 on USDJPY, 2 EURUSD, AUDUSD, 2 on GBPUSD, Gold and oil. See below for access Direct Access to these trades is found here: products/ sub01/ access/ ?a=681 Non Subscribers please click here: products/ sub01/

Patrik Urban