Wednesday, September 2, 2009

USD retraces portion of yesterday's gain

USD is down slightly compared to yesterday close. Market dynamics are very interesting now with USD down, equities down, oil down and gold UP hugely from 953 to 975. Question is what is leading and what is lagging...

Fundamentals today were not so good: ADP -298k, worse than expected -250k (but less negative than last time -360k) and factory orders disappointing as well (1.3% vs exp. 2.3%).

Against all majors the greenback created bearish engulfing candle yesterday and now it is retracing part of yesterday's gain. Considering the significance in the candle formation, I'm sticking to yesterday's call and buying USD on pullbacks.

The only exception is NZDUSD that is refusing to participate in the USD selloff and drops further making it the relative strength loser. Such weakness points to significant selling pressure that is likely not going to stop. Selling NZD on strength is recommended.

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